1. Evaluation (revaluation) of fixed assets, taking into account the accounting policy of the enterprise, the provisions of national legislation, national and international accounting standards;
  2. Application of various valuation methods: method of comparative analysis of sales, method of expenses, method of income;
  3. Real estate activities on real estate;
  4. Training in numerous real estate appraisal projects located on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for various purposes: sale-purchase, mortgage, etc.

The listed works are usually performed in three stages:

1.Preparatory stage:

  • Receiving the technical task and preparing the contractual documentation;
  • Studying the existing materials on the requested real estate:
    • initial property materials – Provisional title, Certificate of ownership, Certificate of inheritance, etc .;
    • privatization documentation – Sale-purchase contract, Title of authentication of the land owner’s right;
    • documents that reflect the execution of certain transactions – Contracts (donation, sale-purchase, etc.), Court Decisions, Certificates of inheritance, etc.
  • Collection and analysis of materials about previously executed geodetic works (compaction networks, topographic surveys, etc.) on the indicated territory;
  • Preparation of the work schedule according to the Client’s requirements.


2.Field stage:

  • Territorial investigation works;
  • Identification of real estate in the field;
  • Field works as a whole: creation (development) of the geodetic thickening network, topographic survey, geodetic measurements, including marking of capital constructions;
  • Calculation works and pre-processing of the obtained data, in order to ensure an effective quality control.


3.Chamber stage:

  • Completion of the required documentation:
    • Cadastral / geometric plan of the real estate;
    • Real estate training project;
    • Act establishing fixed boundaries;
    • Field finding document when modifying the cadastral / geometric plan;
    • Cadastral / geodetic expertise report;
    • Real estate appraisal report, etc.
  • Creating (updating) the topo-geodetic plans – the final processing of the field materials with the evaluation of the precision of the obtained results;
  • In case of necessity, the coordination of the communications indicated in the topographic plan with the corresponding institutions;

1. Topographic-geodetic works for the creation of the unique cadastral system;
2. Geodetic measurements in the field in order to prepare the cadastral documentation in view
3. Transposition of borders in kind, their coordination and / or establishment in the field;
4. Creating the geometric base for the cadastral plans;
5. Creation of geodetic thickening networks using the global GPS positioning system
(Global Positioning System);
6. Creating and updating topographic plans for drawing up development plans
territories and urban plans, land plans for building various
objects, networks and underground constructions, for the connection of buildings, as well as for
execution of other special works;

  1. Preparation of cadastral documentation for the purpose of privatization of real estate and registration of property / use rights:
    • drawing up the Geometric Plan of the real estate;
    • preparation of the Real Estate Formation Project (separation, merger, division, combination);
    • formation of cadastral files for coordination and / or establishment of boundaries;
    • materials regarding the systematization and / or relocation of real estate, etc.
  2. Assistance in the registration of property / use rights at the Public Services Agency;
  3. Execution of the technical cadastral / geodetic expertise on real estate;
  4. Providing multilateral consultations in the field of land and real estate registration;
  5. Creating the project of the territorial cadastral plan;
  6. Cadastral works for massive primary registration;
  7. Computerization of cadastral information systems;
  8. Establishment and renewal of information databases, property registers.