1. Preparation of cadastral documentation for the purpose of privatization of real estate and registration of property / use rights:
    • drawing up the Geometric Plan of the real estate;
    • preparation of the Real Estate Formation Project (separation, merger, division, combination);
    • formation of cadastral files for coordination and / or establishment of boundaries;
    • materials regarding the systematization and / or relocation of real estate, etc.
  2. Assistance in the registration of property / use rights at the Public Services Agency;
  3. Execution of the technical cadastral / geodetic expertise on real estate;
  4. Providing multilateral consultations in the field of land and real estate registration;
  5. Creating the project of the territorial cadastral plan;
  6. Cadastral works for massive primary registration;
  7. Computerization of cadastral information systems;
  8. Establishment and renewal of information databases, property registers.
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